Accident / Incident Reports
- Accident Report
Use this form in the event of an accident, illness, or injury at a Girl Scout activity, use the Accident Report to document and to notify Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) of the circumstances and actions. Volunteers may opt to compete this hardcopy document if offsite at a location where it is not feasible to complete the web-based form. Link to Accident Report PDF.
- Incident Report
Use this form in the event of a non-medical incident at a Girl Scout activity, use the Incident Report to document and to notify Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) of the circumstances and actions of those involved.
Add Driver Request
Submit this annual form for volunteers who will be transporting Girl Scout members from outside their household. Submit this form beginning September 1 for the subsequent membership year OR at least two weeks prior to the planned activity for which you will be driving.
Background Check Retrigger Request
Use this form to retrigger a volunteer background check link that has expired.
Brand Center
Access branded materials including fillable registration flyers.
Certificate of Insurance from GSHNJ Request
Use this form to request a COI for a meeting or activity if a venue requires it.
Certificate of Insurance from an Organization to GSHNJ Request
Use this form to request a COI from a vendor or venue for a high risk, overnight, or transportation.
Council Signature Request
Use this form to obtain a council signature on an agreement, contract, facility use form, memos of understanding, permit, reservation, or other binding document that benefits, imposes responsibility, or imposes potential liability on Girl Scouts or Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey service units or troops.
Disbanding Troop Procedure
Follow this procedure when girls and/or leaders no longer wish to continue functioning as a Girl Scout troop.
Finance Worksheet
Use this worksheet to organize your troop financial data for input into the annual Troop Finance Report in the Volunteer Toolkit.
Gathering on Private Property Application
Use this application to request a one-time Girl Scout event on private property at least 30 days prior to the event.
Graduating Troop Procedure
Follow this procedure when all members of a troop have graduated high school.
Health History Record: Girl Scout
This form must be updated annually.
Health History Record: Adult
This form must be updated annually.
Medication Authorization Form
Use this form to obtain parent/caregiver permission to administer medication to a Girl Scout.
Money Earner Guidelines and Application
Use this application to request approval for a troop money earner.
Permission Forms
- Annual Permission Form
Use this form to obtain annual parent/caregiver permission for low-risk troop activities and Product Program participation.
- Single-Activity Permission Form
Use this form to obtain one-time parent/caregiver permission for a high-risk, overnight, or international travel activity.
Safety Activity Checkpoints
Refer to these safety standards and guidelines which apply to all Girl Scout activities.
Sensitive Issues Consent Form
Use this consent form when hosting or attending a program, event, or activity that addresses possibly sensitive topics.
Trip Application (Extended/International Travel)
Submit this form to notify council of any troop-hosted domestic travel that is longer than two nights or any international travel at least 120 days prior to the event. Refer to this Extended and International Travel Check List to help you plan.
Trip Application (High-Risk Activities or Domestic Travel) Request council approval for high-risk activities, GSHNJ camp rentals, and domestic travel at least 30 days prior to the event.
Intent to Travel Consultation for International Travel Notify council of any international travel at least six months in advance. Following an initial consultation with council staff, international travel coordinators will be provided the International Travel Application, which must be submitted at least 120 days prior to the event. Refer to this Extended and International Travel Check List to help you plan.
Trip Roster Template
Use this template as part of your completed trip application to detail all trip participants. The roster must include all Girl Scout members, non-members and tagalongs who have been invited to participate in the activity or trip.
Trip Personal Conduct Template
Use this template to outline standards of conduct for all troop/group trip participants.
Troop Information Update
This form is used to request updates to your troops’ grade(s), program levels, or troop size. Updates to meeting day, time, frequency, and location can be made in the troop leader’s MyGS account.
Troop Transfer Request
Use this form to transfer members from one troop to another, or to request placement in a specific troop.
Volunteer Essentials
Refer to this resource to help you plan an age-appropriate, fun, and safe Girl Scout year.