Girl Scouts provides a wide array of opportunities for Girl Scout teens to engage in high adventure. Girl Scout Heart of New Jersey Trailblazers, based on GSUSA’s Twenty-First Century Trailblazer Guidelines, are special interest troops that focuses primarily on outdoor adventures in any of the five key Trailblazer concentration areas: Hiking, Camping, Survivorship, Adventure Sports and Stewardship.
Trailblazers are eligible to earn their Trailblazer membership pin by sampling three of the five Trailblazer concentration areas, after which they can continue to explore areas of particular interest and progress to leading activities either for their troop, Service Unit, or at the council level in conjunction with GSHNJ staff. In addition, GSHNJ Trailblazers are invited to join our private forum for peer-to-peer sharing and to participate in special council leadership opportunities for Trailblazers, such as helping to lead outdoor programs for younger Girl Scouts.
Who is eligible?
For more information, about converting an existing troop to a Trailblazer troop, starting a new Service Unit/Regional Trailblazer Troop or joining an existing Trailblazer troop as an individual Girl Scout, reach out to our Membership Placement Team at . For questions about council events, contact Girl Experience Manager, Kelly McDonald at