Hearts of Service
The Hearts of Service program tracks and recognizes service hours that girls at all grade levels perform as Girl Scouts. This is an optional program and may be completed as an individual or as a troop, though girls individually track their hours and individually earn their Hearts of Service awards.
Here's How It Works:
- Get the center patch! Rack up service hours as an individual or with your troop and submit them using our online form.
- Remember, these hours don't count toward the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Awards, or Take Action projects. You also can't apply time spent performing service or raising money for another organization.
- Once you've submitted enough hours, get more patches! Start with your level rocker, then add another heart for every five additional hours.
- Hearts of Service patches interlock like a puzzle as you grow. If you miss a piece, you can buy blank rockers to fill in. If you level up, you can either transfer them to your new uniform, or buy new ones.
Important Info:
- Hearts of Service hours may not be double-counted towards other leadership or high award opportunities like the Service Bars, Torch Awards, or Highest Awards (Bronze, Silver, and Gold).
- Leaders, parents or girls keep track of all service performed by the girls. Do not stop recording service hours after a girl earns the required number of hours for her level. Her record should reflect all of her service time throughout the Girl Scout year so she may continue earning heart segments.
- When the required service hours are earned in the membership year use this form to report the hours.
- You will receive an email confirmation upon submission, which you may print, sign and bring to any GSHNJ council shop to purchase the recognitions.
Requirements & Awards Earned
Center Patch: Purchased the first year a girl begins the program. No hours or paperwork are required to purchase this portion of the patch.
Level Rocker: Purchased after completing the hours or service required which correspond to the Girl Scout Level
Heart Segment: Purchased for each additional 5 hours or community service (e.g., if a Brownie completes 15 hours of community service, she has earned the level rocker plus one heart segment).
Girl Scout Level
Required Hours |
Daisy |
5 |
Brownie |
10 |
Junior |
15 |
Cadette |
20 |
Senior |
25 |
Ambassador |
30 |